Rene BidartHow to keep up with deep learning research?When I started my PhD I was totally overwhelmed at the amount of deep learning research being produced. Keeping up with research is…Mar 31, 2020Mar 31, 2020
Rene BidartWhy Deep Learning Research Doesn’t MatterI started a PhD in deep learning because it was a fast moving field that was having growing impact on the world, and dreams of even…Mar 20, 2020Mar 20, 2020
Rene BidartinDataDrivenInvestorAffine Variational AutoencodersExtending VAEs for efficient generalizationMay 3, 2019May 3, 2019
Rene BidartinDataDrivenInvestorAttention is OverratedIn the past the standard design of NLP models, was based on recurrent neural networks (RNN) to ensure the model can encode long range…Apr 27, 2019Apr 27, 2019
Rene BidartinDataDrivenInvestor3D Pose Estimation DatasetsOverview of most recent simulated, ground truth and approximate labeled datasets for 3d pose estimation from 2d images.Dec 6, 2018Dec 6, 2018